Dr. Eum Jin Hwa

Dr. Eum Jin Hwa

South Korea,UAE

Professional Objective: To contribute my innovative spinal surgical approach in partnership with a doctor, medical team, or hospital in the world.

Education & Professional Credentials:

Medical Doctor, Kyeungbuk National Medical School, Daegu, South Korea, 1982 – 1986.

Professional License, Korean National Board of Neurological Surgery, 1991.

Presenter, “Translaminal Endoscopic Discectomy”

The 4th Biennial Korea-Japan Conference on Spinal Surgery, 2003.

Leadership, Membership, Presentations

1st presentation about UBE surgery.

Exchange Visitor, Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University,New York, 1994 – 1995.

Member, International Chapter, NASS (North American Spine Society)

Chairman , Korea UBE, 2020,2021


Ain Al Khaleej Hospital,UAE 2021.2- present
Burjeel Royal Hospital,UAE 2021.5- 2021.12

Medrex hospital 2020-8- 2021.3
Seoul Barun Hospital 2019.7- 2020.7
Bumin hospital 2018- 2019.6

Volunteer & Community Work

  • Mentor for new medical doctors entering spinal residency
  • Active in hospital volunteer programs